Blake Jackson

Assistant Research Professor

The University of Connecticut

Contact: email me 

I am an Assistant Research Professor at the University of Connecticut. 

I'm on the job market Fall 2024!

Here is my CV.

My research interests are quiver combinatorics and cluster algebras as well as enumerative and algebraic combinatorics. I'm specifically interested in the combinatorics behind quiver mutation. My current work involves conjectures on Banff and Louise quivers and reddening sequences, as well as studying the nature of mutation-acyclicity from a combinatorial perspective. I'm also interested in providing combinatorial proofs of known phenomena in cluster algebras such as a combinatorial proof of the hereditary property for mutation-acyclic cluster algebras and of the sign coherence of c-vectors.

My Erdos number is 4.


Kyungyong Lee (

Kyu-Hwan Lee (

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